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metallic state meaning in Hindi

metallic state sentence in Hindi

धातु अवस्था
metallic    धातु जैसा
state    सरकार अवस्था
1.But keeping it in the metallic state can be tricky.

2.Radium was isolated in its metallic state by Marie Curie and Andr?Louis Debierne through the electrolysis of radium chloride in 1911.

3.There is particular interest in these unusual metallic states, which are believed to exhibit a marked preponderance towards the development of superconductivity.

4.The lanthanides and actinides, in the metallic state, can exist as either divalent ( such as europium and ytterbium ) or trivalent ( most other lanthanides ) metals.

5.This criterion states that an insulator such as an oxide can experience a composition-induced transition to a metallic state given a minimum doping concentration n c, determined by:

6.Berzelius did not isolate the element in its metallic state; for the first time, thorium was isolated in 1914 by D . Lely Jr . and L . Hamburger.

7.The energy required to transform B, C, N, Si and P from nonmetallic to metallic states has been estimated as 30, 100, 240, 33 and 50 kJ / mol, respectively.

8.At around 8 MPM, a " transition to the metallic state " ( TMS ) takes place ( also called a " metal to nonmetal transition " ( MNMT ) ).

9.Indeed, if not chlorinated ( or insufficiently chlorinated ) the platinum and rhenium in the catalyst would be reduced almost immediately to metallic state by the hydrogen in the vapour phase.

10.V . M . Asnin and A . A . Rogachev discovered metallic conduction in germanium at low temperatures when the density of excitons exceeded the amount required to transition into a metallic state.

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How to say metallic state in Hindi and what is the meaning of metallic state in Hindi? metallic state Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.